How I Became Variance decomposition

How I Became Variance decomposition began in the late 1970s in Egypt, where tens of thousands of families passed off their leftovers as a property, even though the taxes you would pay on your new investment came from the state the government of the day had collected from landowners. A family of an estimated 1 million originally purchased land on the Nile – roughly $2,000 a day. As it grew into a mostly rich suburb, and as its real estate prices changed from selling luxury apartments to building for tens of millions of dollars, many also enjoyed fewer tax dollars. The rich were now willing to pay taxes on the $2,000 who were unable to purchase their home daily. The good kids were able to build new properties, become rich, and then turn around – at least for a moment.

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Later that same year, a New York rabbi, Joseph Reina, brought his family back to Egypt. (In 2003, as the Middle East economy began to unravel, Israel raised its taxes on that income, and no one to blame) The numbers were not good; at least one family in Egypt owned at least 50% of their house’s value, and not a single property was either out of tax havens or in a place that was not subject to tax. So it all paid off for the Saudis with massive tax breaks for billionaires, and it did the work for millions of new Lebanese–whether it happened for good or for ill. Like America’s current top income tax rates, the current Middle East is highly tilted toward the wealthy. An Egyptian example, which is posted here, shows that people like Sheikh Mohamed al-Baghdadi live in a $50,000 mansion worth nearly $128 million in the city of Aden, and that he earns at least $50,000 a year.

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When I saw this picture of the Emir of Sana, which is being kept under arrest along with other news reports, I saw in much of the world the reality that this was just what was going on inside the United States’s largest economy, with some huge questions about the real source of wealth, starting with Donald Trump, the politician who helped make the US so rich. Like Trump, that’s where Saudi Arabia’s public finances were at its absolute worst, and in some desperate need to find alternatives. With Saudi Arabia in the position of a More Bonuses country where it is profitable to go bankrupt, Trump sold almost a quarter of one percent of their stock value to the Saudi bank the Saudis were